Born in St. Johns, NL and raised in Montreal, QC.
SOULPEPPER 2020: The Seagull.
FOR SOULPEPPER: Fool for Love, Little Menace: Pinter Plays, Orlando, Waiting For Godot, Bedroom Farce, Eurydice.
OTHER THEATRE (selected): Pass Over, Up The Garden Path (Obsidian); Lear (Groundling Theatre); Twelfth Night, Importance of Being Earnest, Alice Through the Looking-Glass (NAC); Richard III (Shakespeare in the Ruff); The Bacchae (Centaur).
FILM & TELEVISION: Letterkenny, Anne with an E, Zombies, The Bet, Damien, Happily Ever After.
OTHER: META Award, Rideau Award, 2 Dora Nominations, My Theatre Award. A Graduate of the National Theatre School.