Meet the kids performing in A Christmas Carol!
Toronto’s favourite theatre tradition A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, adapted by Michael Shamata returns to the Soulpepper Family Festival in it’s 13th year on stage! Unlike Founding Member Joseph Ziegler who is in his 12th year as Ebenezer Scrooge, the children in the show can be pretty quick to out-grow their roles. This year we wanted to introduce you to the sweetest kids on our stage, Eponine Lee, Kaia Esnard, and Lucien Duncan-Reid.

Eponine Lee and Cody Black, A Christmas Carol (2017)
My name is Eponine Lee (EL), I am 12 years old, and I have performed in A Christmas Carol. This is my fourth year, and I started in 2016.
Kaia Esnard (KE), 13 years old. This is my first time performing in A Christmas Carol at Soulpepper.
I’m Lucien Duncan-Reid (LDR). I’m 7 years old and this is my first time performing in A Christmas Carol.
Is there anything that you have learned about acting from the adults in the cast?
EL: I have learned to be more patient, cooperative, and focused from the other adults in the cast by watching them all these things on and offstage.
KE: Yes! I’ve learned tons of things. Some of them are: 1) if you are playing multiple characters make sure you show distinct differences in your accent and mannerisms based on your character and 2) re-read your lines different ways and try to figure out what you are trying to get across and decide what sounds best and is most convincing.
LDR: The adult actors are really good at concentrating, showing lots of feelings and speaking in different accents, so if I watch them, I think can do it too.
Do you want to be an actor when you grow up or do you want to be something else?
EL: I have many dream jobs, but the three that interest me (so far) are being an actor, writer, or WNBA basketball player!
KE: Actually no, my goal is to be a dermatologist or surgeon.
LDR: I want to be three things. I want to be a magician. I want to be an actor. I want to be a basketball player. But, if I have a basketball tournament and I’m acting, what am I going to do?!
If you could tell Scrooge one thing in real life what would it be?
EL: If I could tell Ebenezer Scrooge one thing in real life, it would be to open up his heart more and donate to important charities.
KE: Go make some friends and have a good time. (This is talking to old Scrooge) You’ve spent a lot of your life alone and working hard to make all this money, you will never feel satisfied if you are not happy or don’t have anyone to share your life with. You should reward yourself for all your hard work before it is too late.
LDR: In real life, I would tell him good job for changing and not being mean to other people, but in the play, I like that he yells at me.
Is there anything you are wishing for this holiday season?
EL: I wish that I could toboggan down a super big hill with my friends and have lots of fun!
KE: Nothing specific. Look forward to relaxing, eating and spending time with friends and family but some spending money would be nice.
LDR: I hope Santa brings me a Nintendo Switch.
A Christmas Carol begins performances on December 6. Audiences enjoy free admission on the day of their performance with use of the Cherry Street entrance. Get your tickets now and start planning your family evening out!