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October 8, 2013

Staff Profile – Christine Pellerin, Development Coordinator

Christine Pellerin

How long have you worked for Soulpepper and tell us a little bit about what you do.

I’ve been working at Soulpepper for close to 5 years in the fundraising department and I’m grateful it was my first full-time job after graduation. I’m responsible for coordinating all of the administrative tasks that help keep our department running smoothly: processing donations, generating tax receipts and thank you letters, preparing renewal mailings, tracking RSVPs, running reports on our progress to date, conducting research, and generally keeping everything tickety-boo in our Tessitura database.

What has your job consisted of lately?

We’ve been gearing up for our annual fundraising gala Soulpepper at Play, which takes place on Oct 22nd. It’s our biggest event of the year (fundraising-wise), and it takes many months and many talented people to make it all come together. We’ve been busy selling tickets and tables, managing the guest list, creating auction items, planning the dinner menu and décor, and programming the performance component of the evening. It’s a wonderful event that celebrates and supports the outstanding work that Soulpepper does, both on and off stage.

What kinds of shows/productions/events have you been involved in outside of work?

My background is in theatre, so in addition to working at Soulpepper I’ve stage-managed a few shows with a company called draft89, which focuses on creating new multi-disciplinary theatre.  I also had a short stint with the Paprika Festival where I learned what it’s like to raise money for a small organization with limited resources.

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?

More work! I’m in school part-time right now completing my Masters in Philanthropy and Non-Profit Leadership at Carleton University. It’s the first program of its kind in Canada and I am thrilled to be part of the inaugural class! I’m able to complete it via online courses, with a few short in-class sessions up in Ottawa. My brother lives there so it’s a great chance to visit him.

When I’m not at Soulpepper or doing school work I like to relax by either reading, exercising/doing yoga, meeting up with friends, trying out new recipes, or doing crafty things like crocheting. I recently finished a baby blanket for a close friend, and the picture of it on Facebook led to me being commissioned to make another blanket. I’m excited because it’s the first time I’ve been paid for my hobby!

What do you love about being a part of the staff at Soulpepper?

The camaraderie! It sounds cliché to say “we’re like a family”, but it’s so true.There’s no other way to describe it. We celebrate people’s successes and milestones, and we support each other during difficult moments. Everyone is so passionate about what they do, and they are all such kind, caring individuals. Everyone is genuine. It’s a joy to come to work each day as I consider myself to be among friends. Can’t ask for anything better than that!

Photo: Nathan Kelly