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November 1, 2016

Staff Profile: Daniel Malavasi – Digital Content Coordinator

How long have you worked at Soulpepper and what has your job consisted of lately?
It’s been less than one year, but I feel like I’m part of the family already! I’m responsible for filming and editing promotional videos for our shows: trailers, interviews with artists, rehearsals…  anything that gives the audience a fuller idea of the Soulpepper experience, on stage and behind the scenes.

What kinds of projects are you involved in outside of work?
I’ve been editing short movies for Canadian directors since I moved here about three years ago. I worked in the film and TV industry in Brazil, as an editor, and since moving here I’ve expanded my activities to assistant director as well. I’m always editing something! I’m  especially proud of being part of a project called “Standardized”, an online original series that is running its second season now.

What else occupies your time?
I’ve always been an “indoors” person – the Canadian weather  is probably enhancing that even more! I watch a lot of movies and TV shows of all kinds, but I focus on the independent (and weird) ones. I also love anything horror-related: films, board games, videogames… A perfect way of spending the day, for me, is drinking a good hoppy beer with friends, watching a bad horror movie.

What is a hidden talent of yours?
I don’t consider myself a shy person, but I’m also not very good with small talk… That’s the opposite of a talent, right? On the other hand, if you start talking about any kind of art expression, I can keep the conversation forever. If I don’t know much about a subject, I will turn into a sponge – I love to learn.

What do you love about working at Soulpepper?
Ha! What don’t I love about Soulpepper? I feel like I’m in my element here: I help to tell stories about  subjects I love, using the skills I’ve  chosen to develop in the last decades. And a big plus: surrounded by incredibly talented people.